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Service Description: The data included in this feature class is created by the Polk County Roads & Drainage Division Asset Management GIS. This data is updated daily and is subject to change. This data was created using aerial imagery and other GIS information.This is not a survey accurate information and should only be used for graphical representation of asset management data..
Field | Description | COMPKEY | unique (key field for segment | DISTFROMFT | distance from feet (beginning point of segment located along the Polk county road routes) | DISTFROMM | distance from meters (beginning point of segment located along the Polk county road routes) | DISTTOFT | distance to feet (end point of segment located along the Polk county road routes) | DISTTOM | distance to meters (end point of segment located along the Polk county road routes) | UNITTYPE | Functional classification | UNITID | the first of two ID's of a segment, also the same as the UNITID of the Polk county road routes | UNITID2 | the second of two ID's of a segment | ADDBY | added by | ADDDTTM | added date and time | ADDRKEY | address key | ADDRQUAL | address qualifier ( the data housed in this field is the road route ID and the DISTFROMFT field) | ASBLT | as built | BASEDPTH | base depth | BASEDPTHUO | base depth unit of measure | BASETYPE | base type | BGTNO | ? | BLDGFLOOR | building floor | BLDGROOM | building room | BUDGETKEY | budget key | BUSROUTE | bus route | COMPLEXKEY | complex key | DESIGNADT | design average daily traffic | DISTRICT | commissioner district | DIVTYPE | divider type | ELEVHIGH | elevation high | ELEVHIGHUO | elevation high unit of measure | ELEVLOW | elevation low | ELEVLOWUOM | elevation low unit of measure | EXPBY | expired by | EXPDATE | expired date | FRREF | from reference (beginning point of segment located along the Polk county road routes) | FRREFUOM | from reference unit of measure | FRSTKEY | from street key | GISSTATIC | ? | GRADE | pavement condition index (pacer) | HIGHADDR | high address | INSTDATE | install date | LOC | location (side of roadway) | LOWADDR | low address | MAPNO | map number (compkey of Polk county road route housed in this field) | MEASADT | measured ADT average daily traffic | MEASDATE | measured date | MEASDIR | measured direction | MODBY | modified by | MODDTTM | modified date and time | NOLANES | number of lanes | ONEWAY | one way (Yes or No) | OWN | ownership | PERCCOMM | percent commercial | PERCGROW | percent growth | PRCLKEY | parcel key | SEGLEN | segment length | SEGLENUOM | segment length unit of measure | SERVSTAT | service status | SITEKEY | site key | SPECINST | special instructions | SPECINST_S | ? | SPEEDLIMIT | speed limit | STKEY | street key (street compkey) | SUBAREA | sub area | SUBGRDSTRN | subgrade strength | SURFDPTH | surface depth | SURFDPTHUO | surface depth unit of measure | SURFTYPE | surface type (surface material | SURFWID | surface width | SURFWIDUOM | surface width unit of measure | TOREF | to reference (end point of segment located along the Polk county road routes) | TOREFUOM | to reference unit of measure | TOSTKEY | to street key | TRUCKROUTE | truck route? (Yes or No if trucks are allowed) | UNITDESC | segment road name | USGAREAKEY | usage area key | XCOORD | x coordinate | YCOORD | y coordinate | ZCOORD | z coordinate | link | road route compkey - segment distance from feet (used to link attributes in initial data creation) | COMPTYPE | component type (Infor core field) | MAINT_UNIT | maintenance unit area | LAST_INSP | last inspection date | SOILCEMENT | soil cement Yes or No | SUB_NAMES | subdivision name | SUB_NUMBER | subdivision number | PLAT_BOOK | plat book | PLAT_PAGE | plat book page | PR_HOSP | Hospital | PR_EVAC | evacuation route | PR_FIRE | fire station | PR_PCSO | Polk county sheriff facility | PR_SHELTER | public shelter | PR_FREIGHT | freight route | PR_SCHOOL | school | RRXING | railroad crossing | TRACXING | tractor crossing | CURB | closed section |
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Map Name: Sidewalks
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Description: The data included in this feature class is created by the Polk County Roads & Drainage Division Asset Management GIS. This data is updated daily and is subject to change. This data was created using aerial imagery and other GIS information.This is not a survey accurate information and should only be used for graphical representation of asset management data..FieldDescriptionCOMPKEYunique (key field for segmentDISTFROMFTdistance from feet (beginning point of segment located along the Polk county road routes)DISTFROMMdistance from meters (beginning point of segment located along the Polk county road routes)DISTTOFTdistance to feet (end point of segment located along the Polk county road routes)DISTTOMdistance to meters (end point of segment located along the Polk county road routes)UNITTYPEFunctional classificationUNITIDthe first of two ID's of a segment, also the same as the UNITID of the Polk county road routesUNITID2the second of two ID's of a segmentADDBYadded by ADDDTTMadded date and timeADDRKEYaddress keyADDRQUALaddress qualifier ( the data housed in this field is the road route ID and the DISTFROMFT field)ASBLTas builtBASEDPTHbase depthBASEDPTHUObase depth unit of measureBASETYPEbase typeBGTNO?BLDGFLOORbuilding floorBLDGROOMbuilding roomBUDGETKEYbudget keyBUSROUTEbus routeCOMPLEXKEYcomplex keyDESIGNADTdesign average daily trafficDISTRICTcommissioner districtDIVTYPEdivider typeELEVHIGHelevation high ELEVHIGHUOelevation high unit of measureELEVLOWelevation low ELEVLOWUOMelevation low unit of measureEXPBYexpired by EXPDATEexpired dateFRREFfrom reference (beginning point of segment located along the Polk county road routes)FRREFUOMfrom reference unit of measureFRSTKEYfrom street keyGISSTATIC?GRADEpavement condition index (pacer)HIGHADDRhigh addressINSTDATEinstall dateLOClocation (side of roadway)LOWADDRlow addressMAPNOmap number (compkey of Polk county road route housed in this field)MEASADTmeasured ADT average daily trafficMEASDATEmeasured dateMEASDIRmeasured directionMODBYmodified byMODDTTMmodified date and timeNOLANESnumber of lanesONEWAYone way (Yes or No)OWNownershipPERCCOMMpercent commercialPERCGROWpercent growthPRCLKEYparcel keySEGLENsegment lengthSEGLENUOMsegment length unit of measureSERVSTATservice statusSITEKEYsite keySPECINSTspecial instructionsSPECINST_S?SPEEDLIMITspeed limitSTKEYstreet key (street compkey)SUBAREAsub areaSUBGRDSTRNsubgrade strengthSURFDPTHsurface depthSURFDPTHUOsurface depth unit of measureSURFTYPEsurface type (surface materialSURFWIDsurface widthSURFWIDUOMsurface width unit of measureTOREFto reference (end point of segment located along the Polk county road routes)TOREFUOMto reference unit of measureTOSTKEYto street keyTRUCKROUTEtruck route? (Yes or No if trucks are allowed)UNITDESCsegment road nameUSGAREAKEYusage area keyXCOORDx coordinateYCOORDy coordinateZCOORDz coordinatelinkroad route compkey - segment distance from feet (used to link attributes in initial data creation)COMPTYPEcomponent type (Infor core field)MAINT_UNITmaintenance unit areaLAST_INSPlast inspection dateSOILCEMENTsoil cement Yes or NoSUB_NAMESsubdivision nameSUB_NUMBERsubdivision numberPLAT_BOOKplat bookPLAT_PAGEplat book pagePR_HOSPHospitalPR_EVACevacuation routePR_FIREfire stationPR_PCSOPolk county sheriff facilityPR_SHELTERpublic shelterPR_FREIGHTfreight routePR_SCHOOLschool RRXINGrailroad crossingTRACXINGtractor crossingCURBclosed section
Service Item Id: f1d6bdd3a3a0485e8640c5988de37463
Copyright Text: Roadway GIS & Asset Management, Roads & Drainage Division, Polk County Florida
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: 668911.5014639992
YMin: 1265560.7771827725
XMax: 843998.9700251202
YMax: 1408969.2326430643
Spatial Reference: 102659
Full Extent:
XMin: 622207.2552609108
YMin: 1204103.1623708233
XMax: 914226.195171997
YMax: 1462860.7918361574
Spatial Reference: 102659
Units: esriFeet
Document Info:
Title: Sidewalks
Keywords: segments,roads,blocks
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
Export Map
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