According to SECTION 2.122 SPECIAL-AREA OVERLAY DISTRICTS AND AREAS of the Polk County Comprehensive Plan:Polk County Plan shall establish and utilize overlay districts or areas for the purpose of regulating development intensity where environmentally sensitive lands may be subject to adverse impacts of development, or where a specific natural or man-made feature, structure, or area requires protection.The Polk County Future Land Use Map Series shall designate and map Development-Limitation Area overlays. These overlay areas are generally shown on the Future Land Use Map Series. In most cases, the specific boundaries of these overlay areas may not be determined until site-specific field inspections are conducted to verify those boundaries. It shall be the responsibility of the owner and/or developer to submit documentation. Exhibits, studies, etc., for the purpose of establishing that properties should not be included within a Development-Limitation Area overlay when the adopted land use maps indicate that the property is within such an area.According to SECTION 2.124-E POLKGREEN DISTRICTS of the Polk County Comprehensive Plan:The Polk County Plan shall promote and integrate public and private investments in green infrastructure (interconnected network of open spaces, natural areas and agricultural lands).The Future Land Use Map Series shall generally show parcels designated as Preservation or Recreation Open Space on the Future Land Use Map Series; properties purchased under Polk County’s Environmental Lands Program; properties identified in the Polk County Habitat Conservation Plan; properties acquired or pending acquisition under a Florida conservation or recreation land program such as Florida Forever and Save our Rivers; properties identified at the latest Archbold Biological Station Scrub Conference as worthy of public acquisition; the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Integrated Habitat Network; Florida’s Statewide Trail and Ecological Greenway Network Opportunity Maps; State, County and municipal parks and recreational facilities; “greenway corridors” established within a Development of Regional Impact (Appendix 2.130), Selected Area Plan (Appendix 2.131), or the Critical Area Resource Management Plan (Appendix 2.132); existing and proposed municipal greenway systems; existing and proposed multi-use trails as identified in the Polk Transportation Planning Organization’s (TPO) Long Range Transportation Plan; and potential network connections and corridors between the open spaces, natural areas, and agricultural lands listed in this policy.Additional policies throughout the Polk County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code provide guidance for development and preservation of floodplains within the un-incorporated areas of Polk County. This is one dataset used to create the “Polk County Comprehensive Plan Map Series”. It must be interpreted in conjunction with the other data and maps of the series along with the objectives and policies of the “Polk County Comprehensive Plan” as adopted and amended by the Polk County Board of County Commissioners. The most current Comprehensive Plan documents can be viewed on the county's website at |