Description: Homeland Security Use Cases: Use cases describe how the data may be used and help to define and clarify requirements. 1) A disaster has overwhelmed local medical facilities and capacity must be found in the surrounding area. 2) A threat against hospitals has been identified and measures must be taken to protect the hospital. 3) An assessment as to the adequacy of the total capacity to handle emergency medical care in a given area needs to be made as part of a disaster mitigation plan. 4) A disaster has occurred, or is in the process of occurring, and facilities in the vicinity with people needing evacuation assistance must be identified.
Description: This dataset contain points representing County Fire Stations of Polk County, FL. It was created by Polk County Public Safety, E 911 Section. This dataset contain fields denoting the Address, Station Type, Station Name, Manning Hours, Hours, etc..This data is meant to be used for planning purposes only.The dataset was created in the NAD 1983 Florida StatePlane West FIPS 0902 (Feet) coordinate system and datum and was copied 'as is' from the former Polk County SDE into the Polk County BoCC current SDE by a Polk County GIS Analyst 2010-08. The original source of this layer is unknown but is believed to have been edited many times for correctness over the years.This layer is updated as regularly as new information is made availiable.
Description: This dataset contain points representing the E 911 Fire Stations for Municipalities within Polk County, FL. It was created by Polk County Public Safety, E 911 Section. This dataset contain fields denoting the Address, Station Type, Station Name, etc.This data is meant to be used for planning purposes only.The dataset was created in the NAD 1983 Florida StatePlane West FIPS 0902 (Feet) coordinate system and datum and was copied 'as is' from the Polk County Public Safety, E 911 Section FTP website:, into the Polk County BoCC SDE by a Polk County GIS Analyst 2010-08.This layer is updated as regularly as E 911 updates its layer and is made public.
Copyright Text: Polk County Public Safety (E 911 Section).
Description: This dataset contains all school point locations for Polk County, FL current to 2011-03. All school locations were derived by geocoding addresses provided by the Polk County School Board and further correction of position using the Polk County 2011 aerial; created and attributed by Polk County GIS; and proofed by the Polk County School Board.This dataset contains fields denoting the physical addresses of schools, school name, school phase, parcel number, school grade, school type, and shelter status. This data is meant to be used for planning purposes only and is not intended to represent a 100% inventory of all schools. The dataset was created in the NAD 1983 Florida StatePlane West FIPS 0902 (Feet) coordinate system and datum. The data was updated on 8-2012.
Copyright Text: Polk County, Florida - GIS Staff & Polk County School Board.
Description: This dataset contains locations of post offices in Polk County, FL. It was extracted from the dataset of locations of Local, State, and Federal Government Buildings within the State of Florida, current to 2009; the State of Florida FTP Site. This dataset contains fields denoting the physical address, facility type, and contact information for post offices. This data is meant to be used for planning purposes only and is not intended to represent a 100% inventory of post offices in Polk County. This dataset is an update to the FGDL layer GC_GOVBUILD_SEP05. The dataset was downloaded in its original form from the Florida Geographic Data Library (FGDL) website:, reprojected to the NAD 1983 Florida StatePlane West FIPS 0902 (Feet) coordinate system and datum, and clipped to the Polk County, FL boundary by a Polk County GIS Analyst. The dataset was downloaded 2010-09.
Copyright Text: Florida Geographic Data Library (FGDL).
Description: This layer represent point locations of Polk County, FL Public Shelters.This layer is a modified layer originating from the All Schools layer for Polk County, FL. It was created in conjunction with the Polk County School Board with the editing of the attribute data of the original layer. An additional fields Shelter Type was added and attributed.The original dataset contains all school point locations for Polk County, FL current to 2010-08. All school locations were derived by geocoding addresses provided by the Polk County School Board; created and attributed by Polk County GIS; and proofed by the Polk County School Board.This dataset contains fields denoting the physical addresses of schools, school name, school phase, parcel number, school grade, school type, and shelter status. This data is meant to be used for planning purposes only and is not intended to represent a 100% inventory of all schools.The dataset was created in the NAD 1983 Florida StatePlane West FIPS 0902 (Feet) coordinate system and datum.The data was created 2010-08.
Copyright Text: Polk County, FL - BoCC Staff & Polk County School Board.
Description: The Polk County Commissioner Districts layer was developed within the Polk County GIS based on the 2010 Census data and in conformity with the Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI) redistricting process. This layer has been approved and adopted by the Polk County Board of County Commissioners in 2011. Legal descriptions for each area extent for each district has been written by the Polk County Surveyer. The layer provides information such as the commissioner name and district represented, total population for each district, population of different races for each district, and number of occupied/unoccupied housing units for each district. This layer is updated whenever there is a changer in commissioner for a district and/or whenever the census deems a change due to population changes.