Description: The Polk County Roads feature class is data that was created by the Asset Management staff using GIS base layers. These road Mpoly routes are for asset management and their "condition" is to be inspected at least every 2 years. The conditions are inspected using visual observation and a scale of 1-10 (the PASER rating scale). The features are linked to the County CMMS system using the "COMPTYPE", "COMPKEY" and "UNITID" fields.RDNAMEE911 LinkFID_1Old database OBJECTIDOBJECTIDGIS object keyRDNAME_1E911 LinkXFROME911 fieldYFROME911 fieldGRIDTownship Range GridSTREETRoad NameSHAPE_LENGE911 fieldNEXTSTREETE911 fieldUNITIDRoad NumberCOMPTYPECMMS Component type codeCOMPKEYCMMS Component key RWTYPEMaintenance responsibilityRWLENGTHCMMS Road LengthFUNDINGEmergency Response funding sourceUNITDESCRoad name and from and to description
Service Item Id: efb5b507ccb44f8584a201233dcba0de
Copyright Text: This data was created and is maintained by the Transportation Asset Management Team, a part of the Polk County Roads & Drainage Division.