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Service Description: The Polk County Commissioner Districts layer was developed within the Polk County GIS based on the 2010 Census data and in conformity with the Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI) redistricting process. This layer has been approved and adopted by the Polk County Board of County Commissioners in 2011. Legal descriptions for each area extent for each district has been written by the Polk County Surveyer. The layer provides information such as the commissioner name and district represented, total population for each district, population of different races for each district, and number of occupied/unoccupied housing units for each district. This layer is updated whenever there is a changer in commissioner for a district and/or whenever the census deems a change due to population changes.
Map Name: Commissioners_Redistrict
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Description: The Polk County Commissioner Districts layer was developed within the Polk County GIS based on the 2010 Census data and in conformity with the Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI) redistricting process. This layer has been approved and adopted by the Polk County Board of County Commissioners in 2011. Legal descriptions for each area extent for each district has been written by the Polk County Surveyer. The layer provides information such as the commissioner name and district represented, total population for each district, population of different races for each district, and number of occupied/unoccupied housing units for each district. This layer is updated whenever there is a changer in commissioner for a district and/or whenever the census deems a change due to population changes.
Service Item Id: 17296803f6a645d0ac56a0ccc90ca6a4
Copyright Text: Polk County, FL - BoCC Staff.
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -9172330.668775646
YMin: 3211170.737471647
XMax: -9056134.773139691
YMax: 3289390.8233986706
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: -9140037.112611687
YMin: 3204055.6089526326
XMax: -9030839.526191061
YMax: 3294691.178710357
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Commissioners_Redistrict.aprx
Comments: redistrict
Subject: Archived MXD
Original file path: \\varcgis\C$\arcgisserver\MXD\Development\redistrict.mxd
Keywords: Commissioner Districts
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
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