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Legend (WR_A1_MIL1_update)

Subject Parcel (0)
Subject Parcel (1)
Subject Parcel (2)
Subject Parcel (3)
Subject Parcel (4)
Polk County Boundary (6)
Sensitive Karst Areas (7)
Ocala Limestone Ocala Limestone
Suwannee Limestone Suwannee Limestone
Sinkholes (8)
Bare or thinly covered limestone Bare or thinly covered limestone
Cover is 30' to 200' thick Cover is 30' to 200' thick
Cover is more than 200' thick Cover is more than 200' thick
<all other values> <all other values>
Aquifer Recharge (9)
Priority 1 - HIGHEST Priority 1 - HIGHEST
Priority 2 Priority 2
Priority 3 Priority 3
Priority 4 Priority 4
Priority 5 Priority 5
Priority 6 Priority 6
County Boundaries (10)