{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This data set was developed as part of the Florida Forever Conservation Needs Assessment. These data are intended to address specific performance measures of the Florida Forever program and may not be appropriate for general use, and are not intended for use in a regulatory decision-making process. Please refer to Knight, G. et al. 2000. Florida Forever Conservation Needs Assessment Summary Report. Florida Natural Areas Inventory. Tallahassee, Florida.", "description": "
Measure D3: The number of acres acquired of groundwater recharge areas critical to springs, sinks, aquifers, other natural systems, or water supply. One of the legislatively stated goals of the Florida Forever program is to acquire acres of groundwater recharge critical to springs, sinks, aquifers, other natural systems or water supply. In order to develop a means of identifying these areas, Florida Natural Areas Inventory subcontracted with Advanced Geospatial, Inc. (AGI) to develop a statewide Recharge Potential model. Input data layers for the model were consistent with those used in the Florida Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment (FAVA) developed by the Florida Geological Survey and consisted of soil hydraulic conductivity, proximity to karst features, depth to water, and overburden. These input layers were combined using a spatial analysis called Fuzzy Logic. Detailed documentation for the base model may be found in AGI's final report, \"FNAI- Recharge Component, 2009\". The AGI model is a statewide grid of 300 x 300m cells, with cell values ranging from 0 - 1 on a continuous scale. The continuous values allow for flexibility in how the model is applied. For Florida Forever reporting and evaluation it was necessary to group the values into several priority classes, ranging from high to low, to help focus on the most important places statewide to protect significant recharge areas. The prioritization also addresses the intent of Florida Forever to acquire recharge areas important for springs and water supply. FNAI consulted with AGI, Florida Geological Survey and DEP to accomplish this prioritization. For more details please refer to the Florida Forever Conservation Needs Assessment Technical Report, available online at http://www.fnai.org/FlForever.cfm. The final Prioritized Recharge dataset is a 15m grid with 6 priority classes. Value 1 = Priority 1 (Highest) Value 2 = Priority 2 Value 3 = Priority 3 Value 4 = Priority 4 Value 5 = Priority 5 Value 6 = Priority 6<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"summary": "This data set was developed as part of the Florida Forever Conservation Needs Assessment. These data are intended to address specific performance measures of the Florida Forever program and may not be appropriate for general use, and are not intended for use in a regulatory decision-making process. Please refer to Knight, G. et al. 2000. Florida Forever Conservation Needs Assessment Summary Report. Florida Natural Areas Inventory. Tallahassee, Florida.",
"title": "FNAI_Recharge",
"tags": [
"ground water",
"type": "",
"typeKeywords": [],
"thumbnail": "",
"url": "",
"minScale": 150000000,
"maxScale": 5000,
"spatialReference": "",
"accessInformation": "Florida Natural Areas Inventory; Advanced Geospatial Inc",
"licenseInfo": " Permitted Uses: 1. User may produce maps, tables, and/or reports, using all or portions of the Data provided. All or portions of the Data may be merged directly into reports produced by the User. The appropriate Sources, as listed in Table 1, must be cited as the source of the Data in all products, publications, or presentations containing all or portions of the Data. 2. User may use all or portions of this Data, alone or together with other data, to perform original analysis. Users are strongly encouraged to collaborate with FNAI on all analyses to ensure full understanding of appropriate use of the Data. Any products, publications, or presentations based on such analysis must cite the appropriate Source, as listed in Table 1, for original data used in the analysis. Uses Not Permitted: 1. User shall not sublicense, sell, rent, lease, loan, transfer, assign, or provide access to electronic versions of these Data, in whole or in part, to unlicensed third parties, including clients or contractors. Printed versions of all or portions of these Data may only be provided to clients as part of a larger service which is contracted by the client. 2. The original Source, as listed in Table 1, must not be cited as the source of any interpretations or analyses performed on these Data by the User. The User is solely responsible for any interpretation or manipulation of the Data. 3. These Data shall not be used as the primary criteria for regulatory permitting decisions. 4. User shall not use all or portions of these Data, in electronic, print, or other medium, to create products for distribution and sale that rely principally upon these Data.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>"