 "culture": "en-US",
 "name": "",
 "guid": "",
 "catalogPath": "",
 "snippet": "",
 "description": "According to SECTION 2.122 SPECIAL-AREA OVERLAY DISTRICTS AND AREAS of the Polk County Comprehensive Plan:Polk County Plan shall establish and utilize overlay districts or areas for the purpose of regulating development intensity where environmentally sensitive lands may be subject to adverse impacts of development, or where a specific natural or man-made feature, structure, or area requires protection.The Polk County Plan shall define those areas of the County that require special care in order to maintain, develop, or enhance an existing resource(s) through the establishment and mapping of Resource-Protection Districts as part of the Future Land Use Map Series and described in Policy 2.124.According to SECTION 2.124-A TRANSIT CORRIDOR AND CENTERS Overlay of the Polk County Comprehensive Plan:Polk County shall promote and support community investment in transit.  Core Transit Corridors and Centers, as identified in the Transportation Planning Organization\u2019s (TPO) 2060 Transportation Vision Plan, provide the basis for the Transit Corridor and Centers Overlay.  The overlay will provide a framework for land use policies and mobility strategiesThe Transit Corridors and Centers Overlay (TCCO) shall be shown on the Future Land Use Map Series to include three separate components:  1) Transit Corridor \u2013 an area within ¼ mile of fixed route transit service; 2) Transit Center \u2013 an area within a one mile radius of the point of access for transit services; and 3) \tTransit Center Core \u2013 an area within ¼ mile of the point of access for transit services.Additional policies throughout the Polk County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code provide guidance for development within the transit corridors and transit centers within the un-incorporated areas of Polk County.  This is one dataset used to create the \u201cPolk County Comprehensive Plan Map Series\u201d. It must be interpreted in conjunction with the other data and maps of the series along with the objectives and policies of the \u201cPolk County Comprehensive Plan\u201d as adopted and amended by the Polk County Board of County Commissioners. The most current Comprehensive Plan documents can be viewed on the county's website at http://www.polk-county.net/compplan.",
 "summary": "",
 "title": "Transit Corridors and Centers Overlay",
 "tags": [],
 "type": "",
 "typeKeywords": [],
 "thumbnail": "",
 "url": "",
 "minScale": 0,
 "maxScale": 0,
 "spatialReference": "",
 "accessInformation": "Polk County GIS/IT Division; Polk Transportation Planning Organization, Polk County Office of Planning and Development",
 "licenseInfo": ""